17 July 2024

spent a good amount of time learning to code...as you can tell, I'm still getting the hang of it and am currently using a free layout to make the site look a bit prettier (don't even think I did it right lmbo, that's okay!)

Normally, I'd give up after struggling to do this and that, but the whole process has been pretty enjoyable if I'm gonna be completely honest. At some point, I'll get the hang of things and learn how to code properly, but right now, it's me making tons of mistakes and learning from them. I haven't gotten around to learning CSS but that's next on my list once I master html. How nice it'd be to have the prettiest website I've ever made *cries*? I promise, it's gonna look nice soon!

I think the reason why I like this so much is because I'm actually doing something PRODUCTIVE with my time. Instead of mindlessly scrolling webpages and watching a whole bunch of YT videos, I'm building a useful skill. Not only useful but also fun, you know? I currently work a job that I'm not wholly passionate about, and would like to branch out as soon as I possibly can. It's not fulfilling, just the same old same old and I'm tired of it. Coming across countless customers who couldn't be bothered to think for themselves and expect us to answer every little question that they could literally answer themselves by using their brains *eye roll*.

This year, I'd like to leave and find a better paying, more fulfilling place to work at. Preferably in healthcare, where I'd like to be a neurologist towards the end of my med journey. Fingers crossed!