July 23

(14:17) I just finished a workout (consisted of 30 min cardio session followed by a 45 min weightlifting sesh) and feel proud of myself for carrying them to completion. At some points, I was ready to give up and throw in the towel cause I started feeling lazy half way but I am glad I continued on with it. Still trying to lose weight and I cant do that without putting in the work.Hopefully, by the end of the month, I will have lost at least a couple of pounds. It's necessary I lose the weight so I can fit into my clothes again. I almost stopped by the local mall to shop for some clothes yesterday but the rain stopped me from taking the walk there. I'm gonna make a promise to myself that I'll do the necessary work to lose the weight so I don't feel the way I've been feeling for the longest. Just 'bleh' about my body, looking at it and feeling disatisfied about it. I want to be able to look myself in the mirror and actually love what I see. So far, I just like it, and that's why I haven't been losing the weight.

Last night, I spent some time working on my coding skills. Downloaded something called Visual Studio Code, which actually makes the coding process a heck of a lot easier on me. With the features it has, it helps me see what mistakes I keep making and how to fix them. I'm reading this book (Head First HTML and CSS, second edition, if you wanna check it out) and I find myself understanding both HTML and CSS a little more with each lesson. By the end of the book, I'll be able to make this website look a lot nicer :)