The web site of blushingkitty About Me

About Me

I'm a 29 yr old woman who fell in love with all things coding. As you can tell, I'm still learning and am getting the hang of things. Overall, I enjoy the whole process and can't wait to give you guys a great website :). I enjoy writing short stories, teaching myself to code, and also love to exercise. As for what I can't stand, I'm not into bugs or rodents and also dislike hot summers.

As of now, I'm currently back in school taking pre-reqs before applying to grad school, and am pursuing a career in medicine. It is, by far, one of the most difficult roads I've ever taken, but I don't regret taking it one bit :) I look forward to treating patients with various brain diseases and nurse them back to good health. It's what I see myself doing and am in it for the long haul!